Husband, Father, Special Forces Veteran, America First Republican
“The people of Michigan deserve leaders who will fight for them. We need new, fearless, bold leadership that is unafraid to stand up for all Michiganders. Our state, once one of the greatest economic engines of the republic, has long languished as our leaders have quietly accepted perpetual decline. Our next generation of leaders must embrace prosperity through liberty, relentlessly pursuing a future for Michigan that is brighter than our past.”
– Jonathan Lindsey

We live in trying times
The challenge of this moment is grave. Our governor used COVID-19 as an excuse to abuse executive powers, stripping Michiganders of God-given rights. She waged war on small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy, threatened our religious freedoms, and abused the most vulnerable – our elderly and our children.
Free and fair elections are a bedrock of our political process and millions of Michiganders were eager to use the ballot box in 2020 to push back against the growing tyranny of the left. Instead of a fair election, we saw one that was not conducted legally, was open to manipulation and fraud, and that resulted in many reports of irregularities.
Republicans we counted on to fight back against these attacks on freedom and stand up for election integrity have failed us. Opposition to the governor’s unconstitutional power grabs was loud, but ineffective. Michigan’s Republican legislators refused to fulfill their constitutional duty when faced with election results tainted by illegality.
Lack of strong conservative leadership has emboldened radical progressives here and across the nation who are moving rapidly to destroy the very foundations of our society. They must be defeated and relying on the status quo will not be enough.
Why I’m joining the Fight
Michigan is my home. I grew up on a farm in Branch county, raised by two parents who gave me the gifts of faith in God and love of country that continue to guide my life. I first left to pursue studies at Yale University and then to enlist in the military, where I served for seven years, including three combat deployments in the United States Army Special Forces. When my wife, two children, and I returned home to Michigan, it was bittersweet. We were met by the same amazing people, natural beauty, and spirit of the state that I remembered from my youth. We also saw the continued decay caused by failed policies and lack of good leadership.
I thought my government service was over when I hung up my dog tags and green beret. I voted and I engaged my elected officials, but ultimately relied on “professional politicians” in Lansing. Recent events, especially the pandemic and the 2020 election, have made it crystal clear that we cannot rely on the established political class.
The choice before all of us is simple yet profound. We can ignore the unraveling of the fabric that holds our Republic and the great state of Michigan together, or we can stand up and fight. I’ve made my decision.
I will fight. I ask you to join me.